Ryan loves to sing at night before he goes to bed. It usually winds up as a stall technique, but it works well! We think he is pretty cute. Some of his favorite songs are: Wheels on the bus, I am a Child of God, Frosty the Snowman, and the theme to the Wonderpets. Hope you enjoy our favorite part of the day...bedtime!
That is darling and it looks like it works pretty well. He's yawning through the song. Since my visit, the Wonderpets theme song goes through my mind once in awhile and I think of Ryan. Lots of love. Jane
Oh, that is so sweet! You can tell he has Aeschleman blood in him.. He is very talented! Bet Kaylee and Renee will be too. Tell Ryan that Grandma S. can sing the Wonderpets theme too, "The phone, the phone is ringing.....(absolutely no comments, Andy) one of the many joys of running a daycare! We watch Wonderpets during rest time.
Love to all-
Grandma S.
He's so cute!
And just so you know, mom watches the Wonder Pets at rest time. The kids usually play!
now that was just pretty dang cute!! we liked that one!
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