Ryan got to take a trip to the local fire department with Grandma's cub scout troop, and as you can guess Ryan had a ball! He was in total awe of the BIG "Fire TUCK"

HI Mom!! This is soo cool!!

...I'm thinking that I might want to be a fireman when I grow up too. That would REALLY make my Uncle Andy jealous!!
Dude, it is so not fair that you went to the fire station without me. I bet Grandma S. put you up to that to dis me.
well, shoot, I wish I could take credit for that but I can't. It is probably just as well you didn't go. I am sure you would have just embarressed yourself trying to explain how a firetruck works to Ryan.
Grandma S.
Actually it was Grandma H. So there, now they are both plotting against you!!
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