Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The pony ride at the pumpkin patch was a huge hit! Ryan was confused when the ponies all stopped and the kids were getting off... he didn't want his turn to end!

Ryan drives just as well as his Uncle David that just got his license!

YEEHAAWW!! Ryan was so excited to ride a pony! He wasn't scared at all, he was a very brave cowboy!

Ryan couldn't get enough of riding horeses!!

BOO!!! I'm a friendly ghost!

Ryan had more fun this year at the pumpkin patch! He ran around climbing on and over all the pumpkins and was in awe of all the Halloween decorations everywhere. He also was almost more fascinated with the hay on the ground!!


Anonymous said...

It looks like the pumpkin patch was a lot of fun. Ryan is the cutest ghost!


Anonymous said...

I just can't look at pumpkins the same after the picture I got of Grandma S's Jack-o-Lantern "tattoo"...

Spamdrew the Puking

Anonymous said...

Very cute! All the pictures are adorable, especially the friendly ghost picture.

Carol :)

Robyn said...

I love these pictures. We had so much fun with you guys there. I love to see the joy in Ryan and Trent's face when they see each other. I can't wait until Trent can talk and say, "Wyan!"