Saturday, December 01, 2012

It's great to be 8!

Ryan has turned 8 and is now a cub scout! When I told him we were going to scouts that afternoon, he gasped and shouted, "I'm so excited I'm a scout!" He threw his hands up in to the air and did a happy dance and kept chanting "yes! yes! I'm so excited my head is going to explode!" Haha!
Our first scout meeting was a pack meeting and he was introduced as the newest wolf. He was thrilled and so excited to be there, and his good friend Johnathan turns 8 in 2 weeks too. He is also excited to meet new friends from the 3rd ward.

Saturday night, I asked Ryan if he would like to start fasting now that he is 8 and he said yes. I asked what would he like to fast for and he said, I'll try breakfast and lunch....haha and I said, no son, what specific blessing are you going to ask Heavenly father for? A fast is a really big prayer asking for blessings for you or someone or something else. And after he thought about it for a bit, he said, for 2 things, one that Kaylee would feel better.....she was sick throwing up on the couch, and 2 that people who don't have homes would be able to get money to have a home. How sweet! and such a proud special moment.

Sunday, November 04, 2012


The kids were able to participate in a mock voting at school. Ryan was excitedly telling me all about. He told me that Mitt Romney won 96-60. And that he voted for Mitt Romney! Then he said that        "they went to this room that was set up with these stalls with blankets hanging on them, but they didn't have toilets in them or anything" (That made me laugh out loud so hard when he told me that!)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John were here with us for the week, and they took the kids swimming twice during their stay. Of course that was one of the highlights for the kids. Grandpa John told me that he would of been proud of Ryan. There were calculator buttons in the pool and the kids played with them and threw them into the deep end. Grandpa John was encouraging Ryan to dive down to get them and Ryan explained that he didn't want to because he might drown. Grandpa John reassured him that he was there and would never let that happen to him. So he took a deep breathe and went for it. He dove to the bottom of the pool in the deep end! 5 Feet! He believed in himself, and trusted Grandpa John's protection and  he learned to dive to the bottom of the pool! Brave little toaster!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mud fight!!!!

Jace Jade and me we were playing in mud "MUD FIGHT" said jade so we started a mud fight  jace was the dirtiest jade was the next dirtiest I was the last dirtiest.

The club in the gargage

me jace and jade built a culb house in a old gargage old stuff new stuff when it was done....... well  it didn`t look so good but it was good enough and we mest it all up again.

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Ryan has made up a new word, "Awesomer!" He bought a poster at the book Fair and we were deciding on where to hang it. I suggested on the closet door, and he said "Oh how about my room door...that would look "AWESOMER!" haha
It got vetoed by mom, since his room door is never really shut unless Jordan is taking a nap, and to put it on the side that he could see it while it is open would make it visible to everyone in the house when his door is shut and that's a no go in my book. He may think the poster is cool but it doesn't go with my decor and taste, haha

Monday, October 01, 2012

I won't do that!

Today we were watching a Church video..."the Tree of Life" and the people were holding onto the iron rod walking through the darkness trying to make it to the tree of Life (representing eternal life) and one of the people featured was a mom and 2 of her sons, one about 4 yrs and the other was 16. The 16 year old wasn't holding onto the rod and just walking next to it by himself and the mom kept encouraging him to keep a hold of the rod! He snidely replied, "MOM, I'm 16 years old! I can walk by myself, I don't need to hold onto something!"
And Ryan turned to me and said "Wow, when I'm 16, I'm not going to talk that way!"
I replied "Oh I hope your right, and.... can I quote you on that!" haha


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lost A Tooth

One day I was jumping on the tramp and hit the top of the net and my tooth fell out when it was not ready to come out. ~Ryan

It was pretty funny!! I saw the whole thing....he was jumping and trying to reach the top of the safety net, and his mouth must of been open a bit and his tooth caught the edge of the net, and when he landed, he cupped his mouth and said, "whoa! I lost my tooth!" (With a very shocked look on his face) I started to laugh, which was good, because he did too, instead of start crying, especially since there was blood! ha ha, we looked around and saw his tooth lying there on the trampoline. He grabbed it and smiled a full ear to ear bloody toothless smile! ha ha  It was classic! ~mom

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Joe's new job

My daddy has a new job he woks at FMCH his work is pretty inside, you have to walk a long way to get to his room.~Ryan

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BAM! in the face

Today at school i was walking by the swing 1 sec later BAM! right in the face and i had a bloody nose. ~RyanBlunier

Sunday, September 16, 2012

When i grow up

When i grow up i want to be a navy seal because they are tough and they get cool weapons. ~Ryanblunier

Preparing to turn 8!

We got a new dog and he is wild , he is named duke, my favorite color is purple, my favorite thing is  the xbox 360, I can't wait until i get baptized, but I'm still 7 and I'm still excited, in 2 more months and 25 days I'm turning 8.
Ryan Blunier