With the twins taking up most of our day, we just wanted to let everyone know that we have not forgotten about Ryan. He is doing so good with the babies and loves to take care of them and help "hold you" or in other words, he loves to hold them. He is growing up so fast and is playing more independent, which gives us more time to dedicate to the girls. He just recently learned how to count to 20, and loves to sing all day. It is amazing how he will hear a song once or twice and pick up on a few specific words, then he will somewhat "sing" the song back. He is getting close to climbing out of his crib, so I don't think it will be long before we are moving him into a toddler bed. For Christmas, Karen got Joe a bicycle seat for Ryan so he can take Ryan on bike rides (Joe is getting the "need to exercise" hint quite clearly!) The seat is quite fun because Ryan gets to ride in front and see where we are going. It is fun for Joe and Ryan! Ryan loves to go "fast" and "downhill". He was scared at first, but now it is hard to pry him off of the bike. Hopefully this won't lead to more ER visits! Not much more news for Ryan, but we will continue to post new pictures so check back often. Here are some pictures to see how fast he is growing.

"I love to change gears for daddy...especially when he doesn't expect it!"

Ryan's first bike ride. We rode late because he just wouldn't get off!

"Ain't nobody touchin' my tisters."

Sometimes Ryan eats so much rice....we think he is part Asian.

Ryan trying to fill daddy's shoes.

"How does daddy walk in these things? They are like boats!"
P.S. Ryan will try every diversion to avoid a bath sometimes...even pretend to be daddy.