Sunday, August 12, 2018

35+ miles in one day

Friday August 10 2018 i went on a biking trip with the scouts, we woke up at 5 am and drove to Jefferson city. we biked on the Katy trail for about 16 miles then we biked about another 4-5 miles and went to capital building and there was a very steep hill that made me want to die:'( but we got to bike down the hill and we went very fast. Then we biked all the way back to the house thingy we were staying at. and got dinner at this bar and grill that smelled like cigarettes so we got our food and left instantly. the burgers there were bigger than my hand and they were huuugee. Then we got back, ate, fell asleep for a couple hours and messed around till 2 am. I wouldn't mind doing that same route again but not anymore miles then how much we did. It was fun. yeet

Sunday, February 05, 2017


So im 12 now and this was my first campout with the boy scouts. It was like -1000000000000000000 degrees out and i just froze there like a popsicle the entire time. My feet were numb. We ate BACON and eggs, I hope we have another campout soon, and Jonathan made up a song it goes like this............    "Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again, something left me while i was sleeping, my birdie left me while i was sleeping, then i figured out that my birdie was under the pillow and i smothered him, and now he's dead, and now I'm crying." it was really funny the first few times then i wanted to smother him😝he sang it for an hour.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday, April 10, 2016


This summer I am saving up to get my own laptop then I will get minecraft and the stuff to be a YouTuber then I will be the youngest YouTuber that's famous!!! I cant wait I really hope it happens be successful. I want to be recognized on YouTuber in a good way yay!!

Yeah I'm going to be famous!!!!!

# I'm awesome

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Bob lives on mars in a pizza hotel I went to mars and ate half of the hotel I was really really really really really fat and farted back to earth

                            END  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# RYAN DA BEST                                                     

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Punching bag

Ryan is in Martial Arts, and has been asking for a punching bag the whole time. We told him that if he sticks with it he will be able to get one for Christmas possibly. Well we were able to fulfill his desire and make this kids dream come true.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby this year was just for fun. I guess the pressure was off since he won it all last year.
I was proud of his attitude about it, He said "I want someone else to be able to win this year"
(Although after he saw the trophy's this year, he kind of had a slight change of heart haha but still was a good sport since he didn't win it all like last year)

He did well enough, won a few races but lost some more. But his best buddy won it all this year.
So it was great!

It was a good, fun and memorable experience!